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Re: Frontend suggestions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111713] Re: Frontend suggestions
  • From: "Hans Michel" <hmichel at>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 04:46:38 -0400 (EDT)

The FE and the language itself needs a new expression between Notebook and
Cell (above CellGroup which is still a Cell) we need Compartment.
Compartments can exist side by side in the screen environment and content
can overflow into the next linked Compartment.

With Compartment you can now do interactive pagination.

The FE still feels as if one is writing in Galley mode. Pagination is or
feels batched. Is it a notebook or a scroll?

So in version 8 or 9 or earlier I would like to see:
Mathematica notebooks consist of lists of Compartments objects. 
New in 8 or 9 or earlier

-----Original Message-----
From: David Bailey [mailto:dave at] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 2:55 AM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg111713] [mg111677] Frontend suggestions

Since the subject of possible enhancements to the FE is being discussed, 
I wonder if we could determine which feature would be most popular. I 
have two requests:

1)  Infinite undo!

2)  Better documentation of functions such as Import that perform a 
range of operations. So many details seem to slip between the cracks. 
For example, nowhere does there seem to be a statement that .mid files 
can be exported but not imported!

3)  A total ban on the word "typical" - it doesn't belong in 
documentation that is supposed to be definitive!

Please add suggestions in replies and we can see which is the most popular.

David Bailey

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