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Re: Selecting points from graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg112038] Re: Selecting points from graphics
  • From: telefunkenvf14 <rgorka at>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 06:48:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <i52pro$n7q$>

On Aug 25, 5:04 am, "Kent A. Vander Velden"
<kent.vandervel... at> wrote:
> In Mathematica 7, I plot data using ListPointPlot3D[...] and
> Graphics3D[Sphere[...] /@ data] to quickly see if outliers exist, but
> finding the exact value of the outlier is not so quick. Currently, I only
> know to narrow down the list using Select[...] sometimes preceded
> by PlotRange with Manipulate[...]. I'm hoping there is a way to select an=
> report on points from the plot. Ideally, the selection would pass
> information about the selected point to a separate function. If either of
> these is possible, would someone point me in the correct direction?
> Thank you

Here's an idea: You could use Tooltips, perhaps programmed to report
test metrics for outliers. (Grubbs test for outliers, Q test, etc.)

Can you provide some more code, even if it's crappy?


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