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Re: Dynamic Text in Manipulate.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg112037] Re: Dynamic Text in Manipulate.
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 06:47:58 -0400 (EDT)

The code below constructs your diagram as a custom dynamic using

1) This uses the second argument of Dynamic to call a calcAll routine that
calculates all the secondary dynamic variables dependent on u.

2) I don't know how important it is to keep the coordinates rational, but I
stayed with that. This required the u = Rationalize[#] (instead of u= #) in
the second argument of the Dynamic Slider statement.

3) I calculate the centroid of the triangle using a Presentations routine
and then displace the vertex labels outward from the centroid. This is a
good method for placing labels on dynamic triangles.

4) There is then only one labeling routine, vertexLabel. 

5) I think a Frame plot looks better than an Axes plot.


 {u = 0,
  ptA, ptB, ptC, centroid, vertexLabel,
 vertexLabel[name_String, pt_] :=
  Module[{x = First[pt], y = Last[pt]},
   Text[phrase[name, "{", x, ",", y, "}"], 
    pt + 0.75 Normalize[pt - centroid], {0, 0}]];
 calcAll[u_] :=
  (ptA = {2 - u, 8/5 - u (4/5)};
   ptB = {4 - u, 11/5 - u (7/10)};
   ptC = {23/5 - u, 23/5 - u (7/10)};
   centroid = First@triangleCentroid[{ptA, ptB, ptC}]);
  {phrase["u: ", 
    Slider[Dynamic[u, (u = Rationalize[#]; calcAll[u]) &], {0, 2, 
     Appearance -> "Labeled"]],
    {PointSize[0.02], Thick,
      {Line[{ptA, ptB, ptC, ptA}],
       Point[{ptA, ptB, ptC}],
       Directive[FontWeight -> Bold, FontSize -> 13, Black], 
        vertexLabel[#1, #2] &, {{"A", "B", "C"}, {ptA, ptB, ptC}}]}},
    Frame -> True,
    PlotRange -> {{-1.25, 6}, {-1, 6}},
    PlotRangePadding -> 0.1,
    GridLines -> {{0, 1, 2, 13/5, 4, 23/5}, {4/5, 8/5, 11/5, 16/5, 
    ImageSize -> 300]},
  Spacings -> 1

David Park
djmpark at  

From: Matthias Bode [mailto:lvsaba at] 


The code below shifts a triangle with Manipulate[]. I want the coordinates 
of the corners A{x;y}, B{x;y}, C{x;y} inside the {;} to change 
with the shift.

Rather than my pedestrian dissecting method

 Text["A {", {2 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
Text[Dynamic[2 - u, u], {2.2 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
Text[";", {2.32 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
Text[Dynamic[8/5 - u*(4/5), u], {2.45 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
Text["}", {2.6 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],

in five steps I would like to represent "A{x;y}" in ONE command Text[].

How can this be done?

Best regards,

S 17.35775=B0, W 066.14577=B0

gra01 = Plot[x, {x, 0, 5}, AspectRatio -> 1,
   PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 5.1}, {-0.5, 5}},
          AxesLabel -> {x, y},
   GridLines -> {{1, 2, 13/5, 4, 23/5}, {4/5, 8/5, 11/5, 16/5, 23/5}},
          PlotStyle -> Directive[White]];
Manipulate[Show[{gra01, Graphics[{Directive[PointSize[0.02]],
     Point[{{2 - u, 8/5 - u*(4/5)}, {4 - u,
        11/5 - u*(7/10)}, {23/5 - u, 23/5 - u*(7/10)}}],
     Line[{{2 - u, 8/5 - u*(4/5)}, {4 - u, 11/5 - u*(7/10)},
                      {23/5 - u, 23/5 - u*(7/10)}, {2 - u,
        8/5 - u*(4/5)}}], Directive[Dashed, Thin, Red],
     Line[{{2, 8/5}, {23/5, 8/5}, {23/5, 23/5}, {2, 23/5}, {2, 8/5}}],
                Line[{{4, 8/5}, {4, 11/5}}],
     Line[{{23/5, 11/5}, {4, 11/5}}],
                Directive[FontWeight -> Bold, FontSize -> 13, Black],
     Text["A {", {2 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
                Text[Dynamic[2 - u, u], {2.2 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
     Text[";", {2.32 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
     Text[Dynamic[8/5 - u*(4/5), u], {2.45 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
                Text["}", {2.6 - u, 7/5 - u*(4/5)}],
     Text["B {4; 11/5}", {4, 9/5}],
                Text["C {23/5; 23/5}", {22/5, 24/5}]}]}], {u, 0, 2,

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