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Why this cannot be solved (Mathematica 8)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg114441] Why this cannot be solved (Mathematica 8)
  • From: olfa <olfa.mraihi at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2010 06:15:28 -0500 (EST)

Hi Mathematica Community,
2^-y t == 2^-yP tP &&
t x + z == tP xP + zP &&
  y + Floor[Log[x]/Log[2]] == yP + Floor[Log[xP]/Log[2]] &&
  xP == 1 &&
 (x Log[v])/Log[2] + Log[w]/Log[2] == (xP Log[vP])/ Log[2] + Log[wP]/
Log[2] &&
 -y + Log[Log[v]]/Log[2] == -yP + Log[Log[vP]]/Log[2] &&
 -y + (2 Log[Log[v]])/Log[4] == -yP + (2 Log[Log[vP]])/Log[4],
{tP, vP, wP, xP, yP, zP}]

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