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Re: Re: arrows disappear in exported 3D graphic

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107277] Re: [mg107249] Re: arrows disappear in exported 3D graphic
  • From: Murray Eisenberg <murray at>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 06:15:42 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Mathematics & Statistics, Univ. of Mass./Amherst
  • References: <hkgl0e$6rh$> <>
  • Reply-to: murray at

I think that what you describe is OS-dependent and perhaps Mac-specific.

In Windows (XP), at least as far as I can see, there is no such File 
menu item "PrintSelectionAs".  There's a "Print Selection" item which 
gives one the choice of printing to a specific printer (i.e., printer 

In Windows, there's also a "Save Selection As" item, and that offers 
both EPS and PDF -- but unfortunately no PS.  And the result of saving 
as EPS has exactly the same bug as Export to EPS: the outside surface is 
almost completely opaque, so that the arrows inside are obscured.

As I said in another post to this thread, my workaround was to export to 
PDF instead of EPS.  The down-side of that was that I had to use 
pdflatex on my LaTeX document, which goes directly from .tex source 
(with an \includegraphics for the .pdf graphic) to pdf -- instead of my 
usual workflow from .tex source (with \includegraphics for .eps graphic) 
to .dvi viewed in a previewer, and only then via .ps to .pdf final 
document.  Since pdflatex is generally much slower to process and view 
than latex to dvi, the workaround is undesirable.

On 2/6/2010 3:27 AM, Peter Breitfeld wrote:
> if you have the possibility to print your image to a file using the
> systems print dialog after choosing PrintSelectionAs from the File-menu,
> you will get perfect looking .ps or .pdf files.
> I did it for your picture on a Mac and I got:
> 1. pic.eps made with Export has 1.7MB and the arrows were gone
> 2.  made via PrintSelection has 288 KB and looks perfect
> 3. pic.pdf made the same way has 280 KB and is perfect too.
> But the pics 2 and 3 take a full page, no bounding box, so they have to
> be converted to eps or at least cropped. I use GraphicsConverter on my
> Mac for this. The eps converted from pic.pdf this way has only 176 KB
> and looks good.
> I came to this solution to export pictures, because of the big size of
> the Mathematica generated eps-files, and the ugly mesh-lines which show
> up in exported 3D-Graphics (both eps and pdf)
> Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>> The Presentations code below creates the frustum of a cone along with
>> dimensional labeling.
>> When I export the 3D graphics created below to EPS, the lateral surface
>> of the cone completely hides the dimensional arrows for the height and
>> the base radius.
>> How might this be fixed?
>> I did try by removing the Specularity and fiddling with Opacity, but
>> that either makes surfaces vanish or else makes no difference in the way
>> the arrows disappear in the exported EPS version.
>> Everything has to be in black/white and shades of gray, for use
>> ultimately in a black-and-white printed document.
>> Of course I could move he dimensional arrows to above, below, and aside
>> the depicted solid, but that would be an unpleasant alternative for my
>> purposes.
>> Needs["Presentations`Master`"]
>> Draw3DItems[
>> {
>> (* frustum lateral surface *)
>> {GrayLevel[0.6],Opacity[0.4],Specularity[White,0.9],
>> ParametricDraw3D[{(3-z/4)Cos[t],(3-z/4)Sin[t],z},{z,0,4},{t,0,2Pi},
>> Mesh->None]},
>> (* bottom and top disks *)
>> {GrayLevel[0.7],Opacity[0.9],
>> ParametricDraw3D[{r Cos[t],r Sin[t],0},{r,0,3},{t,0,2Pi},Mesh->None]},
>> {Opacity[0.5],GrayLevel[0.8],
>> ParametricDraw3D[{r Cos[t],r Sin[t],4},{r,0,2},{t,0,2Pi},Mesh->None]},
>> (* bottom&  top circles *)
>> {Thick,ParametricDraw3D[{(3-0/4)Cos[t],(3-0/4)Sin[t],0},{t,Pi,2Pi},
>> Mesh->None],
>> Thin,Dashed,ParametricDraw3D[{(3-0/4)Cos[t],(3-0/4)Sin[t],0},{t,0,Pi},
>> Mesh->None]},
>> {Thick,ParametricDraw3D[{(3-4/4)Cos[t],(3-4/4)Sin[t],4},{t,0,2Pi},
>> Mesh->None]},
>> (* dimensional labeling *)
>> (* height *)
>> Arrow[{{0,0,1.5},{0,0,0}}], Arrow[{{0,0,2.5},{0,0,4}}],Text[4,{0,0,2}],
>> (* base *)
>> Arrow[{{1.2,0,0},{0,0,0}}],Arrow[{{1.8,0,0},{3,0,0}}],Text[3,{1.5,0,0}],
>> (* top *)
>> Arrow[{{0.75,0,4},{0,0,4}}],Arrow[{{1.25,0,4},{2,0,4}}],Text[2,{1,0,4}]
>> },
>> Lighting->"Neutral",
>> Axes->False,Boxed->False,
>> BaseStyle->{18},
>> ViewPoint->{0.761015, -3.13657, 1.01625},
>> ViewVertical->{0.0669821, -0.314605, 1.42028}
>> ]
>> --
>> Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
>> Mathematics&  Statistics Dept.
>> Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
>> University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
>> 710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
>> Amherst, MA 01003-9305

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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