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Derivative of Interpolation function is highly-oscillatory

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg107295] Derivative of Interpolation function is highly-oscillatory
  • From: "Dominic" <miliotodc at>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 03:35:54 -0500 (EST)


I'd like to obtain greater numerical accuracy on a contour integral I'm 
working on over a closed contour that I'd like to represent 
parametrically as {x(t),y(t)} in the form of InterpolationFunctions.  
However I noticed when I attempt to obtain the derivatives of the 
Interpolation, these derivatives are highly-oscillatory which I suspect 
causes the numerical integration to suffer.  For example, suppose I just 
use  1/z over the unit circle as an example here, plot the contour  
parametrically, extract the x and y points, then do an Interpolation on 
the x and y lists to obtain {x(t),y(t)}.  In order to next integrate 1/z 
over this contour, I'd need to calculate the derivatives of x(t) and 
y(t) and then calculate numerically 1/(x(t)+iy(t)(x'(t)+iy'(t)) dt.  
However when I do that, the resulting derivative plot (thederiv below) 
is highly oscillatory and  NIntegrate reports that  the integration is 
converging too slowly.  The following code demonstrates this with the 
interpolation functions.  The result should be 2pi i and it's close but 
only to 2 digits accuracy.

Is there any way to improve the accuracy of the numerically-computed 
derivative of an Interpolation function and obtain an integration value 
closer to the actual value of 2pi i?  

Thanks guys!

p1 = ParametricPlot[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]
lns = Cases[Normal[First[p1]], Line[pts_] -> pts, {0, Infinity}];
myxval = (#1[[1]] &) /@ lns[[1]];
myyval = (#1[[2]] &) /@ lns[[1]];

xfun = Interpolation[myxval, InterpolationOrder -> 10]
yfun = Interpolation[myyval, InterpolationOrder -> 10]
xdfun[t_] = D[xfun[t], t];
ydfun[t_] = D[yfun[t], t];
thederiv = Plot[{xdfun[t]}, {t, 1, 884}]
NIntegrate[1/(xfun[t] + I yfun[t]) (xdfun[t] + I ydfun[t]), {t, 1, 884}]

(* integral using actual functions and derivatives *)
NIntegrate[1/(Cos[t] + I Sin[t]) (-Sin[t] + I Cos[t]), {t, 0, 2 \[Pi]}]

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