Re: NDSolve - how to bypass safety chceck?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg111377] Re: NDSolve - how to bypass safety chceck?
- From: "slawek" <slawek at>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 06:44:46 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i2ok3i$7ni$>
U=BFytkownik "Daniel Lichtblau" <danl at> napisa=B3 w wiadomo=B6ci grup dyskusyjnych:i2ok3i$7ni$1 at > You neglected to mention what happened when you tried it. Was it > something bad (e.g. program hang or frozen computer)? > > Daniel Lichtblau > Wolfram Research I solve sets of DDE equations. The simplest example is: {x1'[t] == x1[t] - x1[t - 2 d] * x2[t - d]^2 - 2 * x1[x - d] * x2[x - 2 d] * x2[x - d], x2'[t] == x2[t] - x2[t - 2 d] * x1[t - d]^2 - 2 * x2[x - d] * x1[x - 2 d] * x1[x - d]} Above equations are related to integro-differential equations, which are can not be solved non-numerically and which are nonlinear plasma physics equations. The history function is a main trick to solve DDE, because it extended domain of time t. (This "trick" and DDE have been never applied in published works on the topic.) The ODE-INT "old method" take hours to obtain a solution (Fortran), the DDE "new method" gives a solution after about half a second (Mathematica 7, the same PC). Wow! There are - and it is ok - some subdomains of the time shift d, where solutions are chaotic. I use an "module", to generate plots and animations (or use Slider/Dynamic): plot[d_] := Module[{...}, NDSolve[...]; ...; Plot[...]] plots = Table[plot[d],{d,0.05,5.0}] ListAnimate[plots] For d = 5.0 Mathematica refuses give a solutions and warnig is generate d. It is ok, because the solution is chaotic. Nevertheless I would like have even completly noisy "wrong" solution instead a blank plot. Thus the question how to weak "quality checking" in NDSolve and to force NDSolve to always produce an output, even if the covergence is poor. NDSolve return when it finish computations, thus - I suppose - Infinity as the number of steps would generate infinite computation time and no results. I do not look for more accurate results. I look for an option to switch NDSolve to a "dumb mode". TIA slawek