Re: NDSolve - how to bypass safety chceck?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg111388] Re: NDSolve - how to bypass safety chceck?
- From: "slawek" <slawek at>
- Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 06:56:00 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i2m4lo$o4n$> <i2mhbu$3c0$> <i2rm1k$r5h$>
U=BFytkownik "sean" <sean_incali at> napisa=B3 w wiadomo=B6ci grup dyskusyjnych:i2rm1k$r5h$1 at > One way to circumvent is to increase the number of steps. For above > system, something like 500000 will do it. I found it by trial and > error. maybe it will work for your system. It is a bad idea, because the set of equations have the chaotic behaviour . By the way, a more precise non-aproximate equations are currently computing by the Adams-Bashforth method with spline integration. In pseudo-code: y'[[i]](t) == y[[i]]](t) - Integrate[ g(t) Sum[y[[i]](t-ta) y[[j]](t-ta-tb) y[[k]](t-2 ta-tb)], ta, tb] , and y is a vector depended on time. Nice thing, a set od ODE-INT, but - I think - may be quite well be approximated by DDE. slawek