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Re: Non-linear Programming - Plot3D

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110121] Re: Non-linear Programming - Plot3D
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 02:07:19 -0400 (EDT)

Minimize[{x^2 - y^2,
  x + y <= 12 , -5 <= x <= 10, -5 <= y <= 10},
 {x, y}]


Maximize[{x^2 - y^2,
  x + y <= 12 , -5 <= x <= 10, -5 <= y <= 10},
 {x, y}]


Plot3D[x^2 - y^2,
 {x, -5, 12}, {y, -5, 12},
 RegionFunction ->
  Function[{x, y, z},
   x + y <= 12 && x <= 10 && y <= 10]]

Bob Hanlon

---- Trevor Rabey < at> wrote: 

I can use Plot3D to plot a surface z as a function of x and y, say z = x^2-y^2, abd the NLP problem is to max or min z on some region defined by a function or functions such as:
x + y <= 12, x<=10, y <=10
I cannot seem to find a good way to plot the constraints, ie the extrusion of the region from the xy plane.
Help, anyone? TIA.
Trevor Rabey

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