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Re: Big memory needed

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110139] Re: Big memory needed
  • From: Stan Bischof <stan at>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 05:41:00 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <htvbh0$oln$>

Artur <grafix at> wrote:
> Dear Mathematica Gurus,
> I would like to ask somebody with big memory in computer (more than 4 
> GB) to help me in solution following equation:
> Solve[{1/(2 p) (-c p^2 + b p^3 - p^6 + 2 c q + 3 p^4 q - 3 p^2 q^2 + 2 q^3 +
>       a^2 (-p^2 + q) - a (c - b p + 2 p^4 - 4 p^2 q + 3 q^2)) == d,
>  1/(4 p^2) (-c^2 + b^2 p^2 + a^2 p^4 + 2 a p^6 + p^8 -
>      2 b p^3 (a + p^2 - 2 q) - 4 a p^4 q - 4 p^6 q +
>      2 c (a + p^2 - q) q - a^2 q^2 - 2 a p^2 q^2 + 3 p^4 q^2 +
>      2 a q^3 + 2 p^2 q^3 - q^4) == e}, {p, q}]
> I need any p-> solution which will be Sqrt from polynomial 10 degree 
> with coefficients  f(a,b,c,d,e)
> Solution for g isn't important for me.
> CoefficientList from polynomial 10 degree is sufficient for me. I will 
> be very glad for any help!
> Best wishes
> Artur

It is 2 hours in on a machine with plenty of RAM, has
grown to 7GB so far. Assuming it isn't in an infinite loop
I'll let you know what it eventually puts out.


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