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Re: Push to clipboard?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110216] Re: Push to clipboard?
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 07:18:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hudcjc$d7g$> <huincm$o10$>

On 07/06/10 13:06, magma wrote:

> The clipboard is meant to be used for things that have been selected
> (manually or programmatically) from some place (in Mathematica: a notebook).
> Any other unconventional use would not adhere to the standard GUI
> conventions (tautologically) and probably reflects a not very well
> thought out interface.

I disagree with this philosophy, in that when you build an interface, a 
"Copy" button copies whatever it is that the program is logically 
manipulating at that point - which may not be what is on the screen.

There is some functionality in Mathematica to handle this, but you 
probably need to experiment a bit to get the effect just right. Here is 
an example to start Istvan off:

In[4]:= fred = {a, b, c}

Out[4]= {a, b, c}

In[6]:= NotebookWrite[ClipboardNotebook[], fred]




David Bailey

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