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Re: Push to clipboard?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110234] Re: Push to clipboard?
  • From: István Zachar <zac at>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 08:05:54 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hudcjc$d7g$> <hul88a$ibi$>

Dear Derek (and all),

thanks for the code, I managed to streamline it to my taste and aim:

CopyToClipboard[expr_] := Module[{nb},
   nb = CreateDocument[Null, Visible -> False, WindowSelected ->
   NotebookWrite[nb, Cell[ToBoxes@expr, "Output"], All];
   FrontEndExecute[FrontEndToken[nb, "CopySpecial"]];

I was unaware of the fact that I can call for invisible notebooks. Now
this function does the copying without any obtrusive notebook
appearing onscreen.
I got rid of all the options and wrappers, but surely with time I will
expand this code to cover the functionality you encoded in it!
Thanks again,


On Jun 8, 1:06 pm, Derek Yates <yat... at> wrote:
> Hi Istvan,
> I have also wanted to do what you wish to. magma suggested in a post
> to just copy and paste, however, I frequently need to export data to
> Excel. Unfortunately, copy and paste does not work well for this, and
> doing this via a file is very time-consuming. The only way I found to
> copy and paste a matrix properly to Excel was the following:
> Print[Grid[matrix]]. Then select the printed output as Plain Text and
> then paste it in Excel. After doing this a few times, I decided to
> write some code and attach it to a button. You asked for code that
> does not open up a new notebook. I could not find a way to do that
> (other than writing into the existing notebook). So I open a hidden
> notebook, paste the expression there, copy it (via a FrontEnd Token)
> and then close the notebook. I doubt there is a way for the kernel to
> access the clipboard directly (it could after all be running remotely,
> so it would need to ask the front-end to do the work in any case).
> I attach a slightly simplified (and untested) version of my code
> below. It consists of two functions. One to attach to the button,
> which evaluates and then sends whatever is selected to the main
> function which does the copying. You may well want to simplify the
> functions and change them for your own purposes. There are two things
> that I do not know how to fix: (1) for large matrices, the function is
> slow. (2) if you use CellContext to localise notebooks, then the code
> may not always work. I have caught some of the cases (like having a
> Notebook option that changes the CellContext, but do not cater for
> styles or individual cells that have set the CellContext.
> The codes works for expressions which are not matrices too, but does
> extra processing when you pass it a matrix or vector (assuming you set
> option Format->True).
> Regards,
> Derek
> CopyAs::usage =
>   "Option for ClibboardCopy. Possible values are \"PlainText\", \
> \"InputText\", \"CopyAsTeX\", \"MathML\", \"CellExpression\", \
> \"NotebookExpression\", \"MGF\", \"EMF\", \"WAV\"";
> Options[ClipboardCopy] = {CopyAs -> "PlainText",
>    Transpose -> Automatic, Style -> "Output", Format -> False};
> ClipboardCopy::usage =
>   "ClipboardCopy[expression] will evaluate expression and place it on
> \
> the clipboard in the format specified by the option CopyAs. Works \
> well for pasting vectors and matrices to Excel if you use CopyAs\
> \[ThinSpace]\[Rule]\[ThinSpace]\"PlainText\" and Format\[ThinSpace]\
> \[Rule]\[ThinSpace]True";
> ClipboardCopy[expr_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
>  With[{
>    nb = CreateDocument[Null, Visible -> False,
>      WindowSelected -> True,
>      FilterRules[Flatten[{opts, Options[ClipboardCopy]}],
>       Options[CreateDocument]]
>      ],
>    rules = {
>      n_Real :>
>       NumberForm[n, DigitBlock -> \[Infinity],
>        ExponentFunction -> (Null &)],
>      \[CenterEllipsis] -> "..."
>      },
>    transposefunc = Switch[OptionValue@Transpose,
>      Automatic, (If[Length[#[[1]]] > 50 && Length[#[[1]]] > Length[=
>          Transpose[#], #] &),
>      True, Transpose,
>      _, (# &)
>      ],
>    cellstyle = OptionValue@Style,
>    celloptions = Sequence[ShowCellBracket -> False]
>    },
>   NotebookWrite[nb,
>    Replace[expr, {
>      Except[_Cell | {__Cell}] :>
>       Cell[BoxData@ToBoxes[
>          Switch[{OptionValue@Format, expr},
>           {True, _?MatrixQ}, Grid[transposefunc[expr /. rules]]=
>           {True, _?VectorQ}, Grid[transposefunc[{expr} /. rules=
>           {True, {{__?AtomQ} ..}},
>           Grid[transposefunc[
>             PadRight[expr /. rules, Automatic, ""]]],
>           _, ExpressionCell[expr]
>           ]
>          ], cellstyle, celloptions],
>      cell_Cell :> Append[cell, celloptions],
>      celllist : {__Cell} :> (Append[#, celloptions] &) /@ celllist
>      }], All];
>   FrontEndExecute[
>    FrontEndToken[nb, "CopySpecial", OptionValue@CopyAs]];
>   NotebookClose[nb]
>   ]
> ClipboardPalette::usage = "ClipboardPalette[] creates a palette with \
> a button which will ClipboardCopy the selection."
> ClipboardPalette[] :=
>  (CreatePalette[
>     With[{prefunc =
>        Quiet@Check[ToExpression[#], #, ToExpression::notstrbox] &=
>      DynamicModule[{transposesetting},
>       Row[{
>         Row[{"Transpose: ",
>           SetterBar[
>            Dynamic[transposesetting], {Automatic, True, False=
>         Button["Copy for Excel",
>          ClipboardCopy[
>           Replace[prefunc[NotebookRead@InputNotebook[]],
>            Grid[x_, ___] :> x], CopyAs -> "PlainText",
>           Transpose -> transposesetting, Format -> True]],
>         Button["Copy as Bitmap",
>          ClipboardCopy[prefunc[NotebookRead@InputNotebook[]],
>           CopyAs -> "MGF", Transpose -> transposesetting,
>           Format -> False]],
>         Button["Copy as Metafile",
>          ClipboardCopy[prefunc[NotebookRead@InputNotebook[]],
>           CopyAs -> "EMF", Transpose -> transposesetting,
>           Format -> False]]
>         }]
>       ]
>      ], WindowTitle -> None, Saveable -> False,
>     CellContext :>
>      Dynamic[OptionValue[Options[InputNotebook[], CellContext],
>        CellContext]]
>     ];)

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