MathGroup Archive 2010

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Re: O'Reilly Ebook Deal of Day: Mathematica Cookbook

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110286] Re: O'Reilly Ebook Deal of Day: Mathematica Cookbook
  • From: Virgil Stokes <vs at>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 08:45:08 -0400 (EDT)

On 11-Jun-2010 08:10, telefunkenvf14 wrote:
> On Jun 10, 7:09 am, telefunkenvf14<rgo... at>  wrote:
>> Group:
>> I purchased the brand new Mathematica Cookbook when it came out and
>> just noticed it was listed as an ebook 'deal of the day' a while
>> back... I'm not sure how long the offer stays open---so get on it!!
>> (FYI, I did check and the code worked for me as of June, 9th.)
>> Select 'ebook' format and enter the following coupon code at checkout:
>> IMO, Sal has done a great job with this book. Lots of comparisons with
>> other languages and programming paradigms. You really can't go wrong
>> at this price! (in addition to PDF, you're also able to download the
>> book in .nb file format.)
>> -RG
> FYI: I emailed O'Reilly about the missing .nb files last night. (I
> just happened to be purchasing some other O'Reilly books and thought
> I'd check the available eContent in my account.) I assure you that
> the .nb files do exist----I've previously downloaded them!
> If you purchase and don't see the notebooks available for download,
> try sending O'Reilly an email. They're usually good about responding
> in a day or so. I'll report back when I hear from them.
> -RG
I have now found a method to download the Mathematica notebooks for this 
book (assuming that you have registered your purchase of this e-book):

1. Log into O'Reilly where this book is found.

    You need an account with O'Reilly (email address, password)

2. Then go to the following link:

3. There you should find "Download Mathematica"

     Click on this and the download of a zipped file containing the 
Mathematica notebooks should be initiated.

--V. Stokes

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