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Dynamic window popup question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110341] Dynamic window popup question
  • From: Arturas Acus <Arturas.Acus at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 18:53:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

Dear group,

I have phase space points ListPointPlot3D[data].
Clicking on point I want the solution, which represents that point to 

I can achieve this simply by replacing each point by
PopupWindow[point, myMakeGraphics[point]]
construction, where myMakeGraphics generates this graphics.
Thought this approach works, it tries to generate all required graphics
immediatelly, and then hides them into ListPointPlot3D output.

This take much time and memory. How can I force the graphics to be 
generated only after pushing Shift+Enter in the appeared popup window?

  I want the popup window with myMakeGraphics[point] appear, then pressing
shift+enter the graphics to be generated in the same popup notebook.

So far I was able to generate graphics this way only in Messages notebook 

Sincerely, Arturas Acus

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