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Re: Using Mathematica for Electrophysiology Data Analysis

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110421] Re: Using Mathematica for Electrophysiology Data Analysis
  • From: "Kevin J. McCann" <Kevin.McCann at>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:04:43 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hva62h$qf2$>


My usual approach to histograms is to first let Mathematica do it, then, once I
have a sense of the data structure, I use BinCounts to pick the bins
that I want and get the counts in them.

As far as the multivariate Gaussian fit to a bimodal distribution. Hmmm.
I am not sure why I would think that that is a good idea. Perhaps a
relevance vector machine approach would provide a better fit.


Fran=E7ois Blumenfeld wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm playing around with Mathematica to analyze some electrophysiology 
> data; this is on my recreation time, so apologies if the following 
> questions are very basic.
> I've imported data (pairs of time points and amplitudes) from pClamp 
> into Mathematica as lists. The lists are pretty huge (around 150,000 
> elements per list-I've separated times and amplitudes in two lists).
> I've created a histogram of the amplitudes list, letting Mathematica 
> decide which binning method to use and the width of the bin. Without 
> user input, it actually did a great job at picking bin width and 
> binning method; but I don't know how to retrieve that information: 
> i.e. what bin width was picked and what binning method used for a 
> particular histogram?
> My second question is about fitting a multivariate Gaussian 
> distribution to a multimodal (usually bimodal) histogram. I've payed 
> around with NonLinearModelFit, but for some reason I don't think I'm 
> doing it correctly. My third question is related to this: how do I 
> retrieve the processed data from the histogram to construct a 
> frequency table? I'm guessing that this might in fact be the 
> intermediate step I need to complete before being able to fit a curve 
> to the histogram data.
> Any suggestions welcome!
> Francois Blumenfeld-Kouchner

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