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Using Mathematica for Electrophysiology Data Analysis

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110386] Using Mathematica for Electrophysiology Data Analysis
  • From: François Blumenfeld <hypotyposis at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 05:38:25 -0400 (EDT)


I'm playing around with Mathematica to analyze some electrophysiology  
data; this is on my recreation time, so apologies if the following  
questions are very basic.

I've imported data (pairs of time points and amplitudes) from pClamp  
into Mathematica as lists. The lists are pretty huge (around 150,000  
elements per list-I've separated times and amplitudes in two lists).
I've created a histogram of the amplitudes list, letting Mathematica  
decide which binning method to use and the width of the bin. Without  
user input, it actually did a great job at picking bin width and  
binning method; but I don't know how to retrieve that information:  
i.e. what bin width was picked and what binning method used for a  
particular histogram?

My second question is about fitting a multivariate Gaussian  
distribution to a multimodal (usually bimodal) histogram. I've payed  
around with NonLinearModelFit, but for some reason I don't think I'm  
doing it correctly. My third question is related to this: how do I  
retrieve the processed data from the histogram to construct a  
frequency table? I'm guessing that this might in fact be the  
intermediate step I need to complete before being able to fit a curve  
to the histogram data.

Any suggestions welcome!

Francois Blumenfeld-Kouchner

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