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Reducible Trinomials How to do quickest algoritm

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg110548] Reducible Trinomials How to do quickest algoritm
  • From: Artur <grafix at>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 07:26:24 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: grafix at

Dear Mathethica Gurus,

I'm looking for quick prcedure for finding trinoamials x^n +Ax +B for 
large {n,50,1000} range which have cubic unreducible factor (x^3+p x^2+q 
My prcedure is ver slowly and for range n 183-190 need whole day
Here is
Timing[aa = {};
  kk = CoefficientList[
    PolynomialRemainder[x^n + a x + b, x^3 + p x^2 + q x + r, x], x];
  gg = Solve[{kk[[1]] == 0, kk[[2]] == 0, kk[[3]] == 0}, {a, b, r}];
  rr = (r /. gg[[1]])[[1]][[1]]; rr = rr /. #1 -> y;(*Print[rr];*)
  Do[Do[kk = FactorList[rr];
    If[Length[kk] > 2,
     Do[kkk = kk[[m]][[1]];
      If[Length[kkk] == 2, rrr = Solve[kkk == 0, y];(*Print[{-1, r->y/.
       kkkk = CoefficientList[
          x^n + a x + b, (x^3 + p x^2 + q x + r) /. r -> y /.
           rrr[[1]], x], x];(*Print[kkkk];*)
       bb = (b /. Solve[kkkk[[1]] == 0, b])[[1]];
       aaa = (a /. Solve[kkkk[[2]] == 0, a])[[1]];(*Print[{bb,aaa}];*)
       If[(bb != 0) && (aaa != 0),
         aa, {n, p, q, y /. rrr[[1]], x^n + aaa x + bb,
          Factor[x^n + aaa x + bb]}];
        Print[{n, p, q, kkkk, kk}]]], {m, 2, Length[kk]}]], {p, -30,
     30}], {q, -100, 100}], {n,
   183, 1000}]; aa]

I will be  greatfuull for any help!
Largest know trinomials are x^52+2^34*3*53x+2^35*103 which have cubic 
factor x^3+2x^2+4x+4
I don't find any more from 53 up to n=186.
Best wishes

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