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Re: Re: Pi day

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108359] Re: [mg108340] Re: Pi day
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 00:05:45 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hng20k$ro0$> <>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

Very interesting problem! (But probably not one for high school students.)

Here are timings for the first part of Francesco's method:

Timing[digits = Permutations[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, {9}];]
Timing[factors = 10^# & /@ Range[8, 0, -1];
    p1 = (#.factors) & /@ digits;]

{0.021722, Null}

{0.119972, Null}

I was surprised to find this was slower:

Timing[p2 = FromDigits /@ digits;]
p1 == p2

{0.777502, Null}


But this was faster than both, which did NOT surprise me:

    candidates = digits.(10^Range[8, 0, -1]);]
candidates == p1

{0.039861, Null}


The next step of Francesco's method was too slow for my patience level, so  
tried something else. (And so, in the end, I spent MUCH more time than  
simply using his method!)

(1) I sanity-checked the ordering of candidates:

pi = p2 = digits =.;


(2) I determined the largest denominator (plus a little) that I'd need to  
deal with:

Reduce[Pi b <= 987654321, Integers]

b \[Element] Integers && b <= 314380134

If a/b is close to Pi, and a <= 987654321, then optimal b is not much more  
than the bound above.

But I need a bit of slack, so I find the smallest candidate larger than  
the bound:

bUpper = Last@Select[candidates, Pi # < 987654321 &]
bNdxUpper = Position[candidates, bUpper][[1, 1]]



I need to end on an element of the candidate list, even though it's too  
large (I think) to be optimal.

(3) Similarly, I determined the smallest candidate numerator that I'd ever  

aLower = Last@Select[candidates, # < 123456789 Pi &]
aNdxLower = Position[candidates, aLower][[1, 1]]
n = Length@candidates




(4) I computed an InterpolationFunction that maps from candidate values of  
(Pi * denominator) to their index in the candidate list:

Block[{c = Drop[candidates, aNdxLower - 1], r},
  Print@Round[1/Pi First@c];
  r = Range[aNdxLower, n];
  cf = Interpolation[Thread[{c, r}], InterpolationOrder -> 1];
  Print[cf /@ c == r]




The reason I needed aLower and aNdxLower was to make "cf" smaller than  
using the entire candidate list in place of "c".

InterpolationOrder -> 1 is essential, since otherwise, cf isn't monotone.

(5) I formed a "numerator" function that tries the two nearest candidate  
numerators (near to Pi b) and returns the best one, along with the  
absolute error:

numerator[b_] /; b <= bUpper :=
  Module[{ndx = cf[Pi b], indices, a},
   indices = Through[{Floor, Ceiling}@ndx];
   a = First@
     candidates[[indices[[Ordering[Abs[Pi - candidates[[indices]]/b],
   {Pi - a/b // N // Abs, a, b}

(6) Here it is, evaluated at the smallest and largest denominators I've  

numerator /@ {123456789, bUpper}

{{0.000498269, 387912456, 123456789}, {0.0000434772, 987412356,

(7) Compute all the relevant trials:

Timing[nums = Sort[numerator /@ Take[candidates, bNdxUpper]];]

{16.617, Null}

(8) Check out the best and worst approximations found:

Through[{First, Last}@nums]

{{1.01855*10^-10, 429751836, 136794258}, {0.106985, 412356789,

(9) I looked at about 22.5% of the legal denominators, and two numerators  
for each.

bNdxUpper/n // N


(10) It turned out that Ceiling was chosen every time.

I'm not sure why that is, or if it indicates I'm missing something.

Indeed, I could have missed something... but 429751836 / 136794258 is  
closer than Patrick's 10-digit result.


On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 05:14:44 -0500, DC <b.gatessucks at> wrote:

> Not elegant and probably slow :
> digits = Permutations[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, {9}];
> factors = 10^# & /@ Range[8, 0, -1];
> possibilities = (#.factors) & /@ digits;
> output = Flatten[
>     Outer[{#1, #2, Abs[#1/#2 - \[Pi]]} &, possibilities, possibilities,
>       1, 1], 1];
> SortBy[output, #[[3]] &] // First // N
> SortBy[output, #[[3]] &] // Last // N
> -Francesco
> On 03/13/2010 12:55 PM, Tom wrote:
>> Hello,  I am a high school math teacher and the following puzzle was
>> posed by a few math teachers I am in contact with.
>> Create a fraction whose numerator has the digits 1 - 9 (used once)
>> and whose denominator has the digits 1 - 9  (used one) .
>> Which fraction has a value closest to the value of pi?
>> I've worked on some "brute force" checks and managed to check all
>> possible fractions with 2,3,4,5 and 6 digits.   But after that, there
>> are just too many possibilities.
>> I don't have the programming ability to implement something elegant in
>> Mathematica.
>> Is there anyone who could suggest an approach to find the solution to
>> this?
>> Sincerely,
>> Tom

DrMajorBob at

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