Re: Re: Pi day
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg108370] Re: [mg108358] Re: [mg108300] Pi day
- From: Mark McClure <mcmcclur at>
- Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 05:01:13 -0500 (EST)
- References: <>
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 1:05 AM, <danl at> wrote: > In[380]:= best = closest[candidates, Pi] > Out[380]= {429751836, 136794258} > > In[382]:= bestfrac = frac[best] > Out[382]= 23875102/7599681 > > In[386]:= N[bestfrac - Pi, 5] > Out[386]= 1.0186*10^-10 > > So we get within around 10^(-10) of our quarry. I've got that beat by a bit: N[Pi - 467895213/148935672] 8.49969*10^-11 In fact, this is provably the best possible. My code is only slightly more clever than brute force. Of course, there are 9! = 362880 such integers. Sort them from highest to lowest, say {a(1),a(2),...a(362880)}. Then, on each sublist of the form {a(k),a(k+1),...a(362880)}, find the fractions of the form a(k)/a(n) and a(k)/a(n+1) that are just smaller and just larger than pi. (This can be done quickly using a binary search.) Now, you've only got around 600,000 fractions to check. Here's the code that runs in a few minutes. findPiInterval[n_Integer, rest_List] := Module[{a, b, c, len}, Which[ n/First[rest] > Pi, {1}, n/Last[rest] < Pi, {Length[rest]}, True, list = rest; a = 1; b = len = Length[list]; While[b - a > 1, c = Floor[(a + b)/2]; If[n/list[[c]] < Pi, a = c, b = c]]; {a, b}]]; findPiInterval[all_List] := findPiInterval[First[all], Rest[all]] + 1; ints1 = Reverse[FromDigits /@ Permutations[Range[9]]]; len = Length[ints1]; ints = Prepend[ints1, 0]; Monitor[close = Table[{k, findPiInterval[ ints = Rest[ints]]}, {k, 1, len - 1}], {k, len}]; // Timing {235.83, Null} close = Flatten[close /. {n_Integer, pos_List} :> ({ints1[[n]], #} & /@ ints1[[pos + n - 1]]), 1]; close = Append[#, #[[1]]/#[[2]]] & /@ close; lo = Last[SortBy[Select[close, Last[#] < Pi &], Last]]; hi = First[SortBy[Select[close, Last[#] > Pi &], Last]]; {lo, hi} {{467895213, 148935672, 51988357/16548408}, {429751836, 136794258, 23875102/7599681}} N[Pi - Last[lo]] 8.49969*10^-11 Mark McClure
- References:
- Pi day
- From: Tom <>
- Pi day