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Re: Managing packages in the workbench

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108562] Re: Managing packages in the workbench
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 04:24:23 -0500 (EST)

Basically, I wouldn't mess around with the default settings. When deploying
the application check the $UserBaseDirectory box to determine the location
and deploy to there, which should be your private Applications folder. I
think you may have gotten an extra Math directory into your structure and
then Mathematica won't find the documentation.

When creating a new application, "MyApplication" (say):

1) Create an Application Project with name "MyApplicationProject" (say).

2) Give the application the name "MyApplication". This will also be the
PacletName. The paclet name is the same as the application name. You can
have more than one package but they will all be in the same application and
all their routines be documented under the same single paclet.

3) WRI seems to concentrate on the case where there is only a single package
and the package name is the same as the application name. In that case, your
package name would be MyApplication`MyApplication.m. The BeginPackage
statement would be BeginPackage["MyApplication`MyApplication`"] and the
entire application would be contained in a MyApplication folder directly
within your $UserBaseDirectory/Applications folder. The init.m file would
contain the statement Get["MyApplication`MyApplication`"] and the package
could be loaded with <<MyApplication`, which will evaluate the init.m file.

4) But you might want to give the package a different name than the
application, or you might have several packages. Suppose you have two
packages: PackageA.m and PackageB.m, with
BeginPackage["MyApplication`PackageA`"] etc. The init.m file would load both
packages. All packages would still be loaded with <<MyApplication`.

5) But there is one caveat. To get all the usage message links you have to
add an undocumented specification to PacletInfo.m. Under Extensions -> add
an item:

{"Kernel", "Context"->

Not only is this undocumented, but it will display warning messages in the
PacletInfo.m display. It will also display an "Unknown" folder in the
Extensions tab. The warnings can be ignored. I assume this will be
straightened up in the next release.

That's the basic structure. I wouldn't experiment with putting things in out
of the way places until you can get the basic structure working. You should
be able to go with the default settings for locations.

David Park
djmpark at  

From: Hannes Kessler [mailto:HannesKessler at] 


the thread
has several good recommendations for the transition to the workbench,
thanks to John Fultz, Albert Retey, Adam Berry, David Park and others.
Nevertheless, I was not successful to get my packages into workbench
management and need som further advice. The Workbench help system
wasn't really helpful as all concrete examples relate to the trivial
standard case. Anyways, here is my problem with an example:

I imported the NumericalAnalysis project from the Wolfram website
( to the Workbench. Next, I modified In
NumericalAnalysis.m the BeginPackage statement to
BeginPackage["Math`NumericalAnalysis`"] and in init.m the Get
statement to Get["Math`NumericalAnalysis`NumericalAnalysis`"]. Then I
built the documentation in the ApplicationTools and exported the
application to the directory $UserBaseDirectory/Applications/Math/
(instead to the standard $UserBaseDirectory/Applications). The
resulting basic file structure is


Needs["Math`NumericalAnalysis`"] works as expected, but the
documentation is not found.

I played with the project settings "Paclet Location" and
"Documentation Location" (setting these to Math/NumericalAnalysis and
Math/NumericalAnalysis/Documentation). I tried also modifying the
PacletInfo.m file with Extensions -> {{"Documentation", Resources ->
{"Guides/NumericalAnalysis"}, Language -> "English", LinkBase ->
"Math"}}, but without any success. The NumericalAnalysis help files
were not found. So how should one modify the standard Workbench
settings to make the help files accessible?

Help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Hannes Kessler

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