Managing packages in the workbench
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg108535] Managing packages in the workbench
- From: Hannes Kessler <HannesKessler at>
- Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 02:39:58 -0500 (EST)
Hello, the thread has several good recommendations for the transition to the workbench, thanks to John Fultz, Albert Retey, Adam Berry, David Park and others. Nevertheless, I was not successful to get my packages into workbench management and need som further advice. The Workbench help system wasn't really helpful as all concrete examples relate to the trivial standard case. Anyways, here is my problem with an example: I imported the NumericalAnalysis project from the Wolfram website ( to the Workbench. Next, I modified In NumericalAnalysis.m the BeginPackage statement to BeginPackage["Math`NumericalAnalysis`"] and in init.m the Get statement to Get["Math`NumericalAnalysis`NumericalAnalysis`"]. Then I built the documentation in the ApplicationTools and exported the application to the directory $UserBaseDirectory/Applications/Math/ (instead to the standard $UserBaseDirectory/Applications). The resulting basic file structure is $UserBaseDirectory/Applications/Math/NumericalAnalysisDocumentation/.. $UserBaseDirectory/Applications/Math/NumericalAnalysis/Kernel/init.m $UserBaseDirectory/Applications/Math/NumericalAnalysis/ NumericalAnalysis.m $UserBaseDirectory/Applications/Math/NumericalAnalysis/PacletInfo.m Needs["Math`NumericalAnalysis`"] works as expected, but the documentation is not found. I played with the project settings "Paclet Location" and "Documentation Location" (setting these to Math/NumericalAnalysis and Math/NumericalAnalysis/Documentation). I tried also modifying the PacletInfo.m file with Extensions -> {{"Documentation", Resources -> {"Guides/NumericalAnalysis"}, Language -> "English", LinkBase -> "Math"}}, but without any success. The NumericalAnalysis help files were not found. So how should one modify the standard Workbench settings to make the help files accessible? Help is greatly appreciated. Best regards, Hannes Kessler