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Re: math =!= mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108576] Re: math =!= mathematica
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 04:41:28 -0500 (EST)

On 3/23/10 at 4:23 AM, hemmecke at (hemmecke) wrote:

>Does somebody know why I get different behaviour for the following
>General::dupsym: The symbol Array with context A` already exists.

>message? Why does that message appear at all? If A`Array exists,
>then Mathematica should just use it, shouldn't it?

>According to
> we
>`name      a symbol in the current context
>So why is Mathematica complaining?

The message is not telling you the symbol exists in the current
context. It is simply telling you that symbol exists in some
context. In particular, that symbol exists in the System
context. It is definitely a bad idea to try an use built-in
symbols for something else or redefine built-in symbols.

>In[1]:= BeginPackage["A`"]

>Out[1]= A`

This is acceptable syntax. But do you really want a context with
a one letter uppercase name? That practice will almost certainly
cause you grief at some point.

>In[2]:= {$ContextPath, $Context}

>Out[2]= {{A`, System`}, A`}

>In[3]:= `Array[c,3]=17

What is it you want to do here? Redefine the built-in symbol
Array? Definitely not a good idea. Create an array 3 elements
long and assign the value 17 to each? That is

In[1]:= Array[c, 3]

Out[1]= {c(1),c(2),c(3)}

and doing

In[2]:= Array[c, 3] = 17

Out[2]= 17

generates an error message saying Array is protected as it
should. To assign the value 17 to each element of an array use
Table, i.e.,

In[3]:= Table[c[n] = 17, {n, 3}]

Out[3]= {17,17,17}

In[4]:= c[1]

Out[4]= 17

Assign the value 17 to the third element of array c? Try c[3]=17

Note, in calling c an array here I am being very loose with
terms. In truth, c is a function. And when you do c[3]=17 you
are defining c to have the value 17 when given the argument 3. Note,

In[5]:= c[3.]

Out[5]= c(3.)

Since no value for a real argument has been defined. And it is
possible to do:

In[6]:= c[3.23] = 18;

Out[7]= 18

In terms of a function, this clearly makes sense. In terms of an
array, it is hard to make since of an index with value 3.23

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