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Re: 0/1 knapsack-like minimalization problem and file system access

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg108779] Re: 0/1 knapsack-like minimalization problem and file system access
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 05:27:12 -0500 (EST)

On 3/30/10 at 5:02 AM, p-kun80 at (Peter Sisak) wrote:

>Given the files in a directory, by what method can I receive the
>list of the files that in size is closest to, but not larger than,
>an arbitrary x value, given in bytes?

This part is relatively simple. For example:

   Cases[{FileByteCount@#, #} & /@
      FileNames[], _?(FileType@# === Directory &)], {_?(# <
         x &), _}]

will give a list of files with their sizes in descending size
with all files having fewer than x bytes. So, the first file in
the list will be the file whose size is closest to x but not
greater than x

>Each file can be listed at most once. The file names and their
>respective sizes must be read in by Mathematica. (The directory
>contains files with count of around two-three hundred, thus making a
>brute force "sum then compare" search of all possible combinations
>would most probably not finish before the next ice age coming...)

>An extension to the above problem: how to find the lists of files, if
>there are more than one lists permitted, and the aim is to minimise the
>total difference between the respective groups and the (identical) x
>value? (Think archiving data using the least amount of identical-type
>CDs, or wasting the least amount, and leaving the few odd ones out.)

This part is quite difficult. This makes the problem essentially
the knapsack problem which is known to be NP-complete. As far as
I know, there is no algorithm that is both fast and guaranteed
to provide a solution. In fact, the difficulty of this problem
is the basis for some cryptography applications.

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