PDE coupling boundary problem
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg109596] PDE coupling boundary problem
- From: Sunt <sunting.05 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 06:29:59 -0400 (EDT)
Hi all, I'm facing an uneasy problem while implementing a Green Roof Simulation Model, in which temperature at the interface of soil matrix and roof is hard to handle. According to my model, during the process of water transfer, the gradient of water content at the interface of soil matrix and roof would be the same. Then the PDE system: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pde = { (*soil matrix process*) D[q1[t, x], t] == D[q1[t, x], x, x], (*concrete roof process*) D[q2[t, x], t] ==D[q2[t, x], x, x] + f1[t] }; (*f1[t] is a source function depending on variable t*) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and boundary conditions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bc = { (*initial conditions*) q1[0, x] == 1, q2[0, x] == 0.1, (*boudary condition*) q1[t, 0] == 1 + Sin[t], q2[t, 2] == t Cos[t] + .1, (*coupling condition at the interface*) Derivative[0, 1][q1][t, 1] == Derivative[0, 1][q2][t, 1] }; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ finally the NDSolve: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NDSolve[{ pde, bc }, {q1, q2}, {x, 0, 2}, {t, 0, 20}, MaxSteps -> 100000] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ However, an error message appeared: NDSolve::bcedge: Boundary condition (q1^(0,1))[t,1]==(q2^(0,1))[t,1] is not specified on a single edge of the boundary of the computational domain. If I want to specify a coupling condition that the coupling point is in the computational domain, what should I do?(q1 is defined in {t, 0,10}&&{x,0,1}, and q2 in {t,0,10}&&{x,1,2}) Thanks a lot!