Some collected information about Dynamic
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg109947] Some collected information about Dynamic
- From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
- Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 07:08:02 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: jfultz at
I just did a Google count, and before today, I was up to 91 posts referencing the word Dynamic. As much as I'd like to make this post #100, I'll probably forget, so this will be magic post #96, or something like that. I've posted most (but not all) of these links before about constructing interfaces with Dynamic and DynamicModule. I thought it might be useful to aggregate them in a single post. As a reminder, there's some very good in-product documentation about both Manipulate and Dynamic, and these links generally build on that information. The Version 6 Front End: A simple presentation about a simple idea Given at IMS 2006, this presentation is an apology (as in explanation, not as in regret) for Dynamic and some of the other features and changes made in v6. In it, I recreate Manipulate from scratch. Principles of Symbolic Interfaces Given at the 2007 Wolfram Technology Conference, this presentation highlights and explains with many examples four principles for developing Dynamic interfaces. In which I offer a series of examples and "trick" questions which help to blow through some common myths about Dynamic. Understanding the points I outline here is absolutely mandatory to creating sophisticated interfaces with Dynamic. By far the most technical of the links mentioned here. I offer some considerable detail about some of the underlying implementation of Dynamic. I also highlight the fact that not all Dynamics are strictly equal, and discuss the consequences of the different kinds of Dynamics. Hope somebody finds these useful. At least I I have one place where I can look up all these links! :) Sincerely, John Fultz jfultz at User Interface Group Wolfram Research, Inc.