Re: loop for with plot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg110060] Re: loop for with plot
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 23:48:03 -0400 (EDT)
>From the documentation: "Unless an explicit Return is used, the value returned by For is Null." You must explicitly display (Print) the plots. R3 = 6; For[e3 = 0, e3 < 4, e3++, Print[Plot[ 2*R3*Sin[ArcCos[x/R3]]*e3, {x, -2 R3, 2 R3}, PlotRange -> {0, 36}]]] However, Table is generally more useful Plot[ Evaluate[ Table[ Tooltip[ 2*R3*Sin[ArcCos[x/R3]]*e3, e3], {e3, 0, 3}]], {x, -2 R3, 2 R3}] Plot[ Evaluate[ Tooltip[ Table[ 2*R3*Sin[ArcCos[x/R3]]*e3, {e3, 0, 3}]]], {x, -2 R3, 2 R3}] Bob Hanlon ---- maria giovanna dainotti <mariagiovannadainotti at> wrote: ============= Dear Mathgroup, when I am using the loop for with plot is not working. here is the example R1=1.029 R2=3 R3=6 e1=27 e2=0 e3=2.5 For[e3=0,e3<4,e3++,Plot[{2*R3*Sin[ArcCos[x/R3]]*e3}, {x, -2R3,2 R3}]] How can I sort out the problem? Best regards Maria