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Re: Varying plot symbols according to additional

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg113896] Re: Varying plot symbols according to additional
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 05:30:32 -0500 (EST)

data = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {15, 4}] // Sort;

For example, let data represent {x, y, marker size, marker hue}

  Line[data[[All, {1, 2}]]],
     Disk[#[[1 ;; 2]],
      Max[#[[3]]/40, .006]]} & /@
 Frame -> True]

Bob Hanlon

---- Leo Ditolaghi <leoditolaghi at> wrote: 

Hi all,

I saw this question posted in another forum. I wish to do the same in
the author says he routinely does it, does anyone know how?

Thanks in advance,


> Good morning. Suppose I have a table of data with multiple columns. The
first column has X values, and the second (say) has Y values to be plotted
against X. The remaining columns have other data associated with X, but I'm
not going to plot those.
> Now suppose I want to plot X against Y, but I want the markers to vary in
shape, color, or some other visible characteristic depending on the values
of data in columns that I am not plotting. Now granted, I could write a
series of loops to parse the data array into smaller arrays, and plot each.
But that's a lot of work, and it would be more compact and readable if I
could use the other data columns parametrically to set marker
> I'm still fairly new to this system, but as a long-time Mathematica user, this
is a fairly common thing to do. Is it straightforward in this system? Thanks, my
searches have come up short.
> Oh yeah. Ideally, I could create a legend containing each symbol type,
even though only only y-series is being plotted.
> Appreciate any help I can get...

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