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Re: change the base of the Log[] used by LogLogPlot?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg112946] Re: change the base of the Log[] used by LogLogPlot?
  • From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 03:36:41 -0400 (EDT)

On 10/6/2010 9:15 AM, Brett Champion wrote:
> On Oct 6, 2010, at 11:07 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
>> On 10/6/2010 8:29 AM, Brett Champion wrote:
>>> On Oct 6, 2010, at 2:15 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
>>>> Mathematica experts:
>>>> I want to use LogLogPlot, say as in LogLogPlot[x,{x,.1,1}], but I
>>>> want
>>>> the Log to be in base 10, not in base e as the default used.
>>>> Looking at the doc, I can't see it. No option to change the base.
>>>> I can ofcourse build my own data, and use ListPlot, but LogLogPlot
>>>> handles the ticks better automatically and it samples better. Same
>>>> question applies for LogPlot, LogLinearPlot, ListLogPlot,
>>>> ListLogLinearPlot, etc...
>>>> I am sure this is hidden somewhere in the documentation :)
>>> Nope.  LogPlot uses Log.
>>> I'm curious as to why you want to switch to Log10 since the plot
>>> would
>>> end up looking exactly the same.
>> But not if x is linear and y is log, then the plot are not the same:
>> ----loglinear-------
>> x = {1, 2, 3, 4};
>> data1 = Table[{x, Log[10, x]}, {x, 1, 10}];
>> data2 = Table[{x, Log[x]}, {x, 1, 10}];
>> Show[{ListPlot[data1, PlotStyle ->  Red, Joined ->  True],
>>    ListPlot[data2, Joined ->  True]}]
>> ---------------------
>> any way, not too important, just was wondering ;)

> My point is that these look the same:
> {ListPlot[data1, PlotStyle ->  Red, Joined ->  True],
>    ListPlot[data2, Joined ->  True]}
> (ignoring the ticks which get adjusted anyway.)
> Brett Champion
> Wolfram Research

When you say "these", you seem to have used the loglog version. Yes.

But when x is linear, and y is log (like Mathematica LogPlot), then 
different bases used for the log make a different looking plots.  (how 
can y=log(10,x) = log(x) ?), different y values for same x value result:

Please see screen shot.

For the loglog, yes, becuase both are scaled same way. But then have to 
adjust ticks.



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