Re: coordinates in LogLogPlots
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112150] Re: coordinates in LogLogPlots
- From: Joseph Gwinn <joegwinn at>
- Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 02:31:33 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i5l9pf$7e6$>
In article <i5l9pf$7e6$1 at>, Alessandro <alexxx.magni at> wrote: > my fault without doubt, I keep on banging my head against the surreal > coordinate usage in Mathematica. > > Currently I am trying to place a Disk[] in the Epilog section of a > LogLogPlot - using as disk coordinates the plot coordinates - and I > see that it doesnt work, I dont know why. > > Show[LogLogPlot[700*x^-0.4, {x, 100, 10^6}, Frame -> True, PlotRange - > > {{10, 10^6}, {1, 100}}, > Epilog -> {Disk[{3,4.2},0.1]}] What often works in such situations is to use Log to transform into the underlying coordinate system of the plot. So, your example would become (but I didn't test it): Show[LogLogPlot[700*x^-0.4, {x, 100, 10^6}, Frame -> True, ... , Epilog -> {Disk[{Log[3],Log[4.2]},Log[0.1]]}] Joe Gwinn