Mathlink problem in C
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112214] Mathlink problem in C
- From: rsgill <rsgill at>
- Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 05:26:45 -0400 (EDT)
Hi, I am trying to learn mathlink and how it can be used with C programming. To that end , I am attempting to write a gaussian quadrature scheme in C to do integrals numerically. Also, I am using Mathematica's gaussianquadratureweights function which gives you the weights and abcissas for the integral approximation. I am well aware of the fact that routines in C are available to do this, but I am using quadrature as a test case to learn mathlink. In order to use the function "gaussianquadratureweights", one has to first load the package "NumericalDifferentialEquationAnalysis". [Problem]: The problem is that I can't get mathlink to give me back the right list of weights and abcissas for the above function. [Code]: In my C code I have defined a function called "gaussquad" which takes in the number of intervals n, xmin value a, and xmax value b for integration of some function , say sin(x) over the interval [a,b]. Also, my gaussquad should return two vectors xi[n] and ci[n] to the main program and these are the abcissas and weights, respectively. Then, one can simply do a sum, essentially a dot product of the two vectors, in the main program to obtain an approximation to the integral. I am attaching my C code and also the mathematica file to do gaussian quadrature. --------------------C code ---------------------------------------- /*Gaussian Quadrature scheme for integration*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <mathlink.h> void gaussquad(MLINK lp, int, double, double, double *, double *); double func(double); int main() { int n, i; double a, b, sum; /*--------------Mathematica Intialization-------------------*/ int argc = 4; char *argv[5] = {"-linkname", "math -mathlink", NULL, NULL, NULL}; MLINK lp; int pkt; MLEnvironment env; env = MLInitialize(NULL); if (env == NULL) return 1; lp = MLOpen(argc, argv); if (lp == NULL) return 1; /*--------Quadrature Scheme---------------*/ scanf("%d %lf %lf", &n, &a, &b); //Input order n, and integration limits double ci[n], xi[n]; //Defines two vectors: weights and abcissas gaussquad(lp, n, a, b, (double *)ci, (double *)xi); //Send n, a, b to mathematica function, // to get ci and xi vectors for (i = 0, sum = 0; i < n; i++) { //Perform approximation to integral sum += ci[i]*func(xi[i]); } printf("%lf\n", sum); /*--------Closing Mathematica Link-------------------*/ MLPutFunction(lp, "Exit", 0); MLEndPacket(lp); MLClose(lp); MLDeinitialize(env); return 0; / *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ } double func(double x) //Evaluates any given function at abcissas from //gaussquad { double funcval; funcval = sqrt(1 + x*x); return funcval; } void gaussquad(MLINK lp, int n, double a, double b, double *x, double *c) { long length, argcount; const char *funcname; int intarg; MLPutFunction(lp, "EvaluatePacket", 1); MLPutFunction(lp, "Get", 1); MLPutString(lp, "\"NumericalDifferentialEquationAnalysis`\""); MLEndPacket(lp); MLNewPacket(lp); MLPutFunction(lp, "EvaluatePacket", 1); MLPutFunction(lp, "Set", 2); MLPutSymbol(lp, "coord"); MLPutFunction(lp, "GaussianQuadratureWeights", 3); MLPutInteger(lp, n); MLPutDouble(lp, a); MLPutDouble(lp, b); MLEndPacket(lp); printf("Func Type: %d, %s, %d\n", MLGetFunction(lp, &funcname, &intarg), funcname, intarg); printf("Return: %d, %ld\n", MLCheckFunction(lp, "ReturnPacket", &argcount), argcount); MLNewPacket(lp); MLPutFunction(lp, "EvaluatePacket", 1); MLPutFunction(lp, "Part", 3); MLPutSymbol(lp, "coord"); MLPutString(lp, "All"); MLPutInteger(lp, 1); MLEndPacket(lp); printf("Return: %d, %ld\n", MLCheckFunction(lp, "ReturnPacket", &argcount), argcount); while (MLNextPacket(lp) != RETURNPKT) MLNewPacket(lp); MLGetRealList(lp, &x, &length); printf("Error: %d\n", MLError(lp)); printf("%s\n", MLErrorMessage(lp)); MLNewPacket(lp); MLPutFunction(lp, "EvaluatePacket", 1); MLPutFunction(lp, "Part", 3); MLPutSymbol(lp, "coord"); MLPutString(lp, "All"); MLPutInteger(lp, 2); MLEndPacket(lp); printf("Return: %d, %ld\n", MLCheckFunction(lp, "ReturnPacket", &argcount), argcount); while (MLNextPacket(lp) != RETURNPKT) MLNewPacket(lp); MLGetRealList(lp, &c, &length); } -------------------Mathematica Code------------------------------------------------ Remove["Global`*"] <<NumericalDifferentialEquationAnalysis` F[x_]:=Sqrt[1+x^2] Int[n_,a_,b_]:=Module[{i,coord,x,w},coord=GaussianQuadratureWeights[n, 0,2];Table[Subscript[x, i]=coord[[i]][[1]],{i,n}];Table[Subscript[w, i]=coord[[i]][[2]],{i,n}];Sum[Subscript[w, i]*F[Subscript[x, i]], {i,n}]] Int[6,0,2] 2.95789 NIntegrate[F[y],{y,0,2}] 2.95789 ------------------------------