New Version 3 Presentations
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112431] New Version 3 Presentations
- From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
- Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 04:39:44 -0400 (EDT)
A new Version 3 of Presentations has been released. Update notices have been sent to all purchasers and any who have not received the notice, usually because of change of email address, may contact me. Presentations ($50) is a general add-on to Mathematica that aids in custom graphics, tables and dynamics and in writing notebooks utilizing the active and dynamic features of Mathematica within a classical style. It can be purchased through my web site. New features added to Presentations in Version 3 are: 1) Ternary plots, which represent 3-dimensional data, with a linear constraint, within a 2-dimensional triangular region. 2) Table Maker for constructing custom tables using a paradigm similar to the DrawGraphics graphics paradigm. 3) Student's Linear Equations for solving linear equations within a matrix structure with context using step-by-step operations. The matrix structure columns may be covariant (the usual) or contravariant, which adds useful new functionality. This can be used for didactic purposes or for solving small to medium size problems. There are examples from linear equations, linear programming and chemical stoichiometry problems. 4) A new PresentationsPalette that gives easy access for pasting almost all the commands and major documentation Guide pages. 5) A slightly revised style sheet to give improved Printout format, and a second version with a handy toolbar at the top. David Park djmpark at <>