Re: New Version 3 Presentations
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112505] Re: New Version 3 Presentations
- From: WetBlanket <wyvern864 at>
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 06:44:24 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i6q0ot$l9t$>
On Sep 15, 3:39 am, "David Park" <djmp... at> wrote: > A new Version 3 of Presentations has been released. Update notices have been > sent to all purchasers and any who have not received the notice, usually > because of change of email address, may contact me. > > Presentations ($50) is a general add-on to Mathematica that aids in custom > graphics, tables and dynamics and in writing notebooks utilizing the active > and dynamic features of Mathematica within a classical style. It can be > purchased through my web site. > > New features added to Presentations in Version 3 are: > > 1) Ternary plots, which represent 3-dimensional data, with a linear > constraint, within a 2-dimensional triangular region. > > 2) Table Maker for constructing custom tables using a paradigm similar to > the DrawGraphics graphics paradigm. > > 3) Student's Linear Equations for solving linear equations within a matrix > structure with context using step-by-step operations. The matrix structure > columns may be covariant (the usual) or contravariant, which adds useful new > functionality. This can be used for didactic purposes or for solving small > to medium size problems. There are examples from linear equations, linear > programming and chemical stoichiometry problems. > > 4) A new PresentationsPalette that gives easy access for pasting almost all > the commands and major documentation Guide pages. > > 5) A slightly revised style sheet to give improved Printout format, and a > second version with a handy toolbar at the top. > > David Park > > djmp... at > > <> If you have not already purchased this package, do so immediately. It is well worth the cost -- a great set of Mathematica tools.