Re: Numeric warnings during symbolic manipulation
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112794] Re: Numeric warnings during symbolic manipulation
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 04:54:17 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: hanlonr at
Simplify a and b before use a = 2/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + E^2/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + E^6/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) // Simplify; b = 4/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + 1/(E^2 (4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6)) + (2 E^2)/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + E^6/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) // Simplify; Exp[Log[a/b]] == Exp[Log[a] - Log[b]] True Bob Hanlon ---- Yaroslav Bulatov <yaroslavvb at> wrote: ============= Last two expressions are equivalent. Why does the second one gives "N::meprec" warnings? Also, is there a good way to stop Mathematica from running N on my intermediate expressions? a = 2/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + E^2/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + E^6/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6); b = 4/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + 1/( E^2 (4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6)) + (2 E^2)/( 4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6) + E^6/(4 + 1/E^2 + 2 E^2 + E^6); Exp[Log[a/b]] Exp[Log[a] - Log[b]]