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Re: Off Topic: E-Mail Security in this Group

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg117886] Re: Off Topic: E-Mail Security in this Group
  • From: Helen Read <readhpr at>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 02:45:24 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <in3v51$hus$>

On 4/1/2011 3:33 AM, Bill Rowe wrote:
> On 3/31/11 at 4:07 AM, btreat1 at (DrMajorBob) wrote:
>> I agree with Helen; spam isn't that big an issue. It never really
>> was, even in the bad old days. My e-mail address has been out there
>> for ten years, and I get maybe ten spam messages a week.
> Since I have what I consider an effective filter system, I agree
> spam isn't a significant issue. But the level of spam I am
> seeing on this account that I only use for receiving list mail
> for this group and one or two others is quite a bit higher than
> you are indicating. For example, looking at my logs, I see I
> received 23 spam messages on this account alone today. And if I
> look at all my email accounts, I got 124 spam emails since noon
> yesterday out of a total of 231 email messages.
> If it was not for the filter system I have set up that
> segregates spam very efficiently, email for me would be unusable.
> I am not suggesting, the amount of spam I get is typical or due
> to my participation in this group. I am suggesting the level of
> spam messages you and Helen report may be atypically low. I
> would bet the level of spam messages seen by our esteemed
> moderator is likely at least as high as what I see.

I was talking about spam that actually makes into my Inbox, not spam 
that gets filtered out. I'm sure some spam is sent to one or more of my 
e-mail addresses due to my presence on Usenet, and on numerous websites 
that I maintain where my contact information is freely available. I have 
no real way of measuring what fraction of said spam comes via the Usenet 
route, or from my web presence, or from merchants selling their 
databases, and it just doesn't matter. All of my various e-mail 
addresses are forwarded to either my Gmail account or my university 
account, both of which have excellent spam filters. I see almost no spam 
making it to my Inbox. So for me, Usenet generated spam is a non-issue.

Helen Read
University of Vermont

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