Re: why extending numbers by zeros instead of dropping precision is a good idea
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg117867] Re: why extending numbers by zeros instead of dropping precision is a good idea
- From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
- Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 02:41:59 -0500 (EST)
FixedPoint is stopping when consecutive iterates satisfy SameQ. That can happen long before the iterates stop changing -- when the difference between two iterates is "zero" to the minimum precision of the two. Bobby On Fri, 01 Apr 2011 02:35:55 -0500, Bill Rowe <readnews at> wrote: > On 3/31/11 at 4:06 AM, fateman at (Richard Fateman) > wrote: > >> It is occasionally stated that subtracting nearly equal >> quantities from each other is a bad idea and somehow unstable >> or results in noise. (JT Sardus said it on 3/29/2011, for example.) > >> This is not always true; in fact it may be true hardly ever. > >> It is, for example, the essence of Newton iteration. > >> Here's simple example. If you have an approximation x for the >> square root of n, then > >> r[x,n] gives you a better approximation where > >> r[x_,n_]:= x- (x^2-n)/(2*x). > >> Let's try it out. > >> x=1.0 >> r[x,2] >> r[%,2] >> r[%,2] >> r[%,2] >> gets us to 1.41421, which is pretty good. >> If we try >> Do[x = r[x, 2], {100}] >> we see that x is still 1.41421. > >> That's using machine hardware floats. > >> Now let's try it with significance arithmetic, using more precision > >> x=1.0`20 >> two=2.0`20 >> r[x,two] > >> .... this gives (a highly precision version of) 1.5 > >> Let's see if we can get a really good approximation for sqrt(2). > >> And print out the results each iteration > >> Do[x = r[x, two];Print[x], {100}] > >> Oh dear, we get lower and lower accuracy and precision, >> eventually resulting in a division by zero. This loop >> converges to the square root of 2 being Indeterminate. > >> Now this is no surprise to some people, but it may be to some >> others. Indeed one could say "there is no bug there, >> Mathematica is doing exactly what it is documented to do." >> Nevertheless, some other people might find it surprising. Maybe >> even distressing. If you figure out what is going on (it is >> not that complicated...)... you see: > >> It is the consequence of not computing x^2-n, the difference >> of two nearly equal quantities, accurately. > >> Now you can avoid this problem by setting $MinPrecision to (say) 20. > > An alternative would be to use FixedPoint. That is > > In[27]:= FixedPoint[r[#, 2] &, 1.0`20] > > Out[27]= 1.414213562373095049 > > In[28]:= Precision[%] > > Out[28]= 18.2351 > > In[29]:= FixedPoint[r[#, 2.0`20] &, 1.0`20] > > Out[29]= 1.41421356237309505 > > In[30]:= Precision[%] > > Out[30]= 18.0154 > > In[31]:= N[Sqrt[2], 20] > > Out[31]= 1.4142135623730950488 > > It seems FixedPoint is doing something behind the scene that > avoids the problem you describe above. > > Note, I am not arguing either Mathematica is doing the right > thing or the wrong thing when using a Do as you did. Simply, my > experience with Mathematica tells me I generally get better > behavior when I use functions intended to do exactly what I want > than I do when I attempt to code my own version. > > It seems FixedPoint is doing something behind the scene that > avoids the problem you describe above. > > -- DrMajorBob at