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package trouble

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg117901] package trouble
  • From: Alexandru Chirvasitu <chirvasitua at>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 06:58:49 -0400 (EDT)


This is a very frustrating problem. I'd appreciate any help you can provide.

I'm trying to write a package; this has happened several times, with
several packages, but most recently, I tried a very simple one that
was suggested on this forum a while back, actually, by another user
with a very similar problem:


I made sure the cell is an Initialization Cell, and I changed the
style to "code". I saved in an appropriate directory both as
anything.nb and anything.m, and then tried to read in the package with


What I got as output was

   BoxData[{RowBox[{"BeginPackage", "[", "\"anything`\"", "]"}], "
     ", RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{RowBox[{"definition", "::", "usage"}],
            "=", "\"blablabla\""}], ";"}], "..."}], "
     ", RowBox[{"Begin", "[", "\"`Private`\"", "]"}], "
     ", "functions", "
     ", RowBox[{"End", "[", "]"}], "
     ", RowBox[{"Protect", "[", "functions", "]"}], "
     ", RowBox[{"EndPackage", "[", "]"}]}], "Code",
   InitializationCell -> True,
   CellChangeTimes -> {{3.51079*10^9, 3.51079*10^9}}]},
 WindowSize -> {715, 559},
 WindowMargins -> {{96, Automatic}, {4, Automatic}},
 FrontEndVersion ->
  "8.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (November 7, 2010)",
 StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]

If I try Needs["anything`"] I first get

Needs::nocont: Context a` was not created when Needs was evaluated. >>

and then th same RowBox mess as above.

Does anybody have any idea what's going on? I should say, it has
worked a bunch of times, but I can't see any pattern to it: most of
the times it behaves like this, and only very rarely, it will go
through. I should mention this is Mathematica 8, and the system is
Windows XP.

The other thread on MathGroup that I was referring to is here:

There is only one response, regarding the package having to have the
same name as the context (which is the case here), and also the need
for the cell to be initialization (which again, is the case here).

Please help; I'm desperate here :).

Thank you,


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