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irritating behaviour of the interface (Mathematica 8.0.0, Ubuntu 64b)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg118124] irritating behaviour of the interface (Mathematica 8.0.0, Ubuntu 64b)
  • From: ChrisL <chris.ladroue at>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 05:53:51 -0400 (EDT)

Dear all,

Ever since I've upgraded to Mathematica 8, the interface presents a
very strange behaviour; it becomes either unresponsive or
misinterprets the keyboard, and is generally a bit sluggish.
A typical example is that if I start typing a bit fast, the cursor
jumps to a new line (*). Another example is I press the down key but
the cursor goes up, repeatedly.

I don't have these issues with the workbench, so it's restricted to
the interface.

Is there any I can do? Would upgrading to 8.0.1 fix things?
This is becoming really impossible to work from the interface.

Thank you in advance,

* not an issue with the laptop's trackpad, I'm fairly sure. I haven't
started to type differently since Mathematica 8.0.0. And clicking from
the trackpad is disabled anyway.

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