Print formated strings
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg118347] Print formated strings
- From: ÅerÃch Jakub <Serych at>
- Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 07:51:06 -0400 (EDT)
Dear Mathgroup, I know, that it must have very easy solution, but I cannot find it :-((( My problem is to print numbers in the string form with predefined format. For example I have numbers: 60 123.678123 1.45 and 5846.123 And I wanted the output: 0 060.000 0 123.678 0 001.450 and 5 846.123 Which function is usable for such formating. I came through the ToString, Print, Format, StringForm and StringFormat in the help, I was trying to use all "See Also" references, but I cannot find it... Thank for help Jakub