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Create a Windows 7 Screen Saver from a Mathematica Animation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123860] Create a Windows 7 Screen Saver from a Mathematica Animation
  • From: Bill <WDWNORWALK at>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 07:15:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Topic: Create a Windows 7 Screen Saver from a Mathematica Animation


I have the following animation that I'd like to run as a screen saver on my Windows 7 Home Premimun PC. 

Animate[Graphics[{EdgeForm[Blue],Cyan,Disk[{0,0},.05],White,Arrowheads[Table[{0.02,p+t,Graphics[{EdgeForm[Black],Thick,Hue[2 t],Disk[{0,0},0.5],Circle[{0,0},{3,4}]}]},{p,{0,0.5}}]],GeometricTransformation[Arrow[BSplineCurve[{{-1,0},{0,-(1/4)},{1,0},{0,1/4}},SplineDegree->2,SplineClosed->True]],Table[RotationMatrix[(theta+90*t) \[Degree]],{theta,0,135,45}]]},PlotRange->All,ImageSize->{1500,900},Background->Black],{t,0,.5},RefreshRate->10,AnimationRunning->True,AnimatorElements->"Closed",Paneled->False,LabelStyle->White]

Can someone please tell me how to do that, if it's possible?

Thanks in advance,


PS. I'm using Mathematica 8.0.4. 

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