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Continued Fraction Form With Negative Numbers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123859] Continued Fraction Form With Negative Numbers
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 07:14:58 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

It is customary in generating continued fractions to allow negative integers
for the first item but generate all the other quotients as positive
integers. For instance, here is the article in Wikipedia that describes this


However, the Mathematica ContinuedFraction routine does not follow this
convention with negative  numbers. For example,





{-2, -3, -2} 



The normal form of this would be:


{-3, 1, 2, 2}; 

% // FromContinuedFraction 




The following is a recursive routine that follows the normal procedure - in
case you want to experiment.


continuedFractionR[x_, i_] :=

Module[{cflist = {}, gencf, a, b},

  b = x; a = Floor[b];

  cflist = {};

  gencf[iter_][xnum_] :=

   (AppendTo[cflist, a];

    If[b == a || iter == 1, Return[cflist]];

    b = 1/(b - a); a = Floor[b];

    gencf[iter - 1][b]);





Is there a reason that Mathematica doesn't follow the standard form with all
positive quotients? Of course, the routine above doesn't handle quadratic
irrationals with repeated quotient sequences and there may be theoretical
reasons for not following the customary form. Nevertheless, I would still
prefer positive quotients.



David Park

djmpark at 


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