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Re: ContourPlot and lines vrs. 8.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116283] Re: ContourPlot and lines vrs. 8.0
  • From: "Sjoerd C. de Vries" <sjoerd.c.devries at>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 02:12:58 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <iir4ih$6lk$>

Hi Kris,

The syntax desciption for ContourPlot does not include the syntax you
are using (one function with a specific contour level and no
specification of levels for the other). If you're providing multiple
functions it should be done by providing a contour level for all. To
achieve this you could generate a set of copies of the first function
each at a different contour level, like this:

\[Alpha]h1 = 16;
\[Alpha]h2 = 16;
cl = {Table[(\[Alpha]h1 xh - xh^2) + (\[Alpha]h2 xf - xf^2) == i, {i,
       0, 100, 10}] // Evaluate, xf - (\[Alpha]h1 - xh) == 0} //
ContourPlot[cl // Evaluate, {xh, 0, 10}, {xf, 0, 10},
 ContourStyle -> Flatten[{Table[Red, {Length[cl] - 1}], Green}]]

Cheers -- Sjoerd

On Feb 8, 11:06 am, kristoph <kristophs.p... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to plot a contour plot of two different functions. One of
> them is a line in the contour plot. The problem I have is that the
> plot only shows the line and only ONE curve of the other function.
> What I would like to have is a usual contour plot of the function and
> the line of the other function. Below you find the code of the contour
> plot:
> \[Alpha]h1 = 16;
> \[Alpha]h2 = 16;
> ContourPlot[{(\[Alpha]h1 xh - xh^2) + (\[Alpha]h2 xf - xf^2),
>   xf - (\[Alpha]h1 - xh) == 0}, {xh, 0, 10}, {xf, 0, 10},
>  Contours -> 250]
> Here is the contour plot of the first function only. It would be great
> to have this plot with only one line expressed by the function  xf - (\
> [Alpha]h1 - xh) == 0.
> ContourPlot[{(\[Alpha]h1 xh - xh^2) + (\[Alpha]h2 xf - xf^2)}, {xh, 0,
>    10}, {xf, 0, 10}, Contours -> 250]
> Thanks for help,
> Kris

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