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Finding inverse of non-linear transformation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116408] Finding inverse of non-linear transformation
  • From: "Christopher O. Young" <cy56 at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 05:50:55 -0500 (EST)

I'm trying to find the inverse of the simple non-linear transformation

(a x + b x + c) ({

I'm trying to use this as a sort of counter-example to the usual projective
transformation, which has the polynomial in the denominator. Does
Mathematica have a way to do this? InverseFunction doesn't seem to work

In[1]:= F[x_, y_, a, b, c] := (a x + b x + c) ( {  {x},  {y}  } )

In[2]:= InverseFunction[[x_, y_, a, b, c]]

During evaluation of In[2]:= Part::pspec: Part specification x_ is neither
an integer nor a list of integers. >>

Out[2]= InverseFunction[[x_, y_, a, b, c]]

Any help very much appreciated.

Chris Young
cy56 at

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