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Re: How can I get better solution for this...?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120047] Re: How can I get better solution for this...?
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 07:29:07 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

Ah yes... I misread your post in the heat of the moment.

The first three equations determine sy, gx, and gy in terms of p00, p01,  
p11, and sx:

soln = Quiet@
    Solve[{sx^2 (1 + gx gy)^2 + sx^2 gy^2 == p00,
      sx sy gx (1 + gx gy) + sx sy gy == p01,
      sy^2 (1 + gx^2) == p11}, {sx, sy, gx, gy}];
soln[[All, All, 1]]

{{sy, gx, gy}, {sy, gx, gy}, {sy, gx, gy}, {sy, gx, gy}}

giving four solutions. If the fourth equation is also true, each of these  
solutions determines a value for d:

Solve[sx sy == d, d] /. soln

(four solutions)

Hence, your four equations have no solution with d free to vary.

Solve[{sx^2 (1 + gx gy)^2 + sx^2 gy^2 == p00,
   sx sy gx (1 + gx gy) + sx sy gy == p01, sy^2 (1 + gx^2) == p11,
   sx sy == d}, {gx}]



On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 11:50:17 -0500, Siddharth Srivastava  
<siddys at> wrote:

> Hi Bobby,
>     Thanks. I actually wanted sx, sy, gx and gy in terms of the P coeff.  
> The
> solution
> you gave is just the equation that I wanted to solve!
> #
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:18 AM, DrMajorBob <btreat1 at> wrote:
>> Solve[{sx^2 (1 + gx gy)^2 + sx^2 gy^2 == p00,
>>  sx sy gx (1 + gx gy) + sx sy gy == p01, sy^2 (1 + gx^2) == p11,
>>  sx sy == d}, {p00, p01, p11, d}]
>> {{p00 -> sx^2 + 2 gx gy sx^2 + gy^2 sx^2 + gx^2 gy^2 sx^2,
>>  p01 -> gx sx sy + gy sx sy + gx^2 gy sx sy, p11 -> (1 + gx^2) sy^2,
>>  d -> sx sy}}
>> Bobby
>> On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 04:39:55 -0500, sid <siddys at> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>>>    I am trying to solve the following for {sx,sy,gx,gy}
>>>     sx^2 (1 + gx gy)^2 + sx^2 gy^2 = P00 ........(1)
>>>     sx sy gx (1 + gx gy) + sx sy gy = P01 .......(2)
>>>     sy^2 ( 1 + gx^2) = P11 ..............................**.(3)
>>>     sx sy  = D ..............................**..................(4)
>>> in terms of P00,P01,P11, and D.
>>> When I use Solve[] , I get a huge output containing the P terms up
>>> till the order of 16 (i.e P00^16 etc..), which
>>> I know is not correct. I do not think I am specifying the problem
>>> correctly, and being a non-expert in Mathematica, would appreciate
>>> some help. Specifically
>>> 1) should I specify the simultaneous equation using && operator? I
>>> have tried it, and I get different (but huge) output
>>> 2) can I break the problem into parts? how?
>>> Thanks,
>>> s.
>> --
>> DrMajorBob at

DrMajorBob at

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