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Re: FinancialData errors

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg120597] Re: FinancialData errors
  • From: DrMajorBob <btreat1 at>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011 06:02:17 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <> <j0fos4$8p6$>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

> The default query is "Close" which has been adjusted by the dividends  
> and stock splits.

Adjusted in what sense? Over what relevant time period?

In the following, there are no splits or dividends in the time period  

    "JANFX", #, {{2011, 2, 10}, {2011, 2, 10}}] & /@ {"Close", "High",
   "Low", "Open", "Price", "Range", "RawClose", "RawHigh", "RawLow",
   "RawOpen", "RawRange"}

{{{{2011, 2, 10}, 10.23}}, {{{2011, 2, 10}, 10.23}}, {{{2011, 2, 10},
    10.23}}, {{{2011, 2, 10}, 10.23}}, {{{2011, 2, 10},
    10.23}}, {{{2011, 2, 10}, {10.23, 10.23}}}, {{{2011, 2, 10},
    10.36}}, {{{2011, 2, 10}, 10.36}}, {{{2011, 2, 10},
    10.36}}, {{{2011, 2, 10},
    10.36}}, {{{2011, 2, 10}, {10.36, 10.36}}}}

Does this "adjusted" price depend on splits and dividends from Feb 10th  
until NOW?

If so, what good is that for analysis over a different time frame?

And if so, shouldn't the following plot be monotone?

     FinancialData["JANFX", #, {2011, 2, 10}] & /@ {"Close",
       "RawClose"}, 1],
    First] /. {{dt_, adjusted_}, {dt_, raw_}} :> {dt,
     raw - adjusted} // DateListPlot


On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 16:52:30 -0500, MinHsuan Peng <minhsuanp at>  

> On Jul 29, 2011, at 3:41 AM, DrMajorBob wrote:
>> FUNNY STORY: Here is Tech Support's non-response to my problem,  
>> described
>> farther down:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for taking the time to send in this report to us. The   
>> accuracy
>> of the financial data depends on how quickly our sources  of data  
>> provide
>> updates. A 15 minutes delay on current prices is common. Longer delays  
>> are
>> possible depending on the data. A complete list of the sources queried  
>> by
>> FinancialData is available at:
>> n.html
>> We are always looking for alternative sources of financial information  
>> to
>> query. If you have any suggestions on alternate sources of information  
>> we
>> should consider, please let us know.
>> Sincerely,
>> Sean Clarke
>> ========================================================================
>> Now, isn't that special? The data is 5 months old, and TS tells me  
>> there's
>> a 15-minute delay?
>> ========================================================================
>> I've found a new (to me) species of error in FinancialData.
>> One example is the price of the following stock on Feb 10, 2011:
>> s = "JANFX";
>> FinancialData["JANFX", "Name"]
>> FinancialData["JANFX", {{2011, 2, 9}, {2011, 2, 11}}]
>> "Janus Flexible Bond Fund D Shar"
>> {{{2011, 2, 9}, 10.25}, {{2011, 2, 10}, 10.23}, {{2011, 2, 11},
>>     10.24}}
>> As you see, FinancialData says the price was 10.23.
>> But I BOUGHT the stock through Janus Funds on that day, and the price  
>> was
>> 10.36.
>> Moreover, if I go to Yahoo's interactive price chart for the stock at  
>> the
>> following page, 10.36 is the price I find:
>> So... where are the errors really coming from?
> The price you bought and shown in yahoo's page was "RawClose" as  
> described in the documentation of FinancialData as a unadjusted price.
> In[161]:= FinancialData["JANFX","RawClose",{{2011,2,10},{2011,2,10}}]
> Out[161]= {{{2011,2,10},10.36}}
> The default query is "Close" which has been adjusted by the dividends  
> and stock splits.
> MinHsuan
>> This is not an astronomically large price or a Missing["Not Available"]
>> price; it's within 2% of the correct price. But it's wrong.
>> These errors make it very difficult to trust FinancialData for any  
>> useful
>> purpose.
>> Bobby
>> --
>> DrMajorBob at

DrMajorBob at

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