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Printing Environment is clipping all my tables

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116922] Printing Environment is clipping all my tables
  • From: Michael Stern <nycstern at>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 03:41:21 -0500 (EST)

I have a document that contains a number of tables. They look great on 
screen, and they should fit on a printed page, but Mathematica 
invariably clips the left and right sides in the Printing environment. 
It doesn't matter if I ask it to rotate the page and print the wide way, 
it still clips the left and right at the exact same places. Ditto for 
asking it to print at reduced % size; the page is printed small, but 
still clipped at the exact same places on the left and right.

The options inspector leaves all printing-related variables 
unchangeable, and the documentation on the variables is scant enough 
that I am not sure I'd make the right changes anyway.

Can anybody lend a hand? How might I change the settings to get these 
tables to print correctly?



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