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Re: evaluation-- one or many levels, your thoughts?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116944] Re: evaluation-- one or many levels, your thoughts?
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 06:06:29 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ikq8gs$7vl$>

On 04/03/2011 08:39, Richard Fateman wrote:
> How often do you require the behavior that an expression
> is evaluated until it stops changing, rather than evaluated
> "once"?
> Difference in behavior..
> once
> x1=x2
> x2=x3
> x1  evaluates to x2
> "infinite" evaluation until stops changing..
> x1 evaluates to x3.
> Note that with "once" evaluation,
> x=x+1    sets x  to  "x+1"
> not "recursion depth exceeded".

Note first, that if you examine the value of X1 using OwnValues, you do 
find that it contains x2.

The only reason you suggest (there may be others in your paper) for 
wanting "once evaluation", would be to potentially speed up calculations 
by avoiding redundant passes over expressions that are already fully 
evaluated. Some time ago, I did some timing tests to explore this very 
issue - for example,

x1=large expression;

The cost of the assignment to x2  did not seem to increase with the 
complexity of the large expression, and clearly the kernel uses some 
pretty clever techniques to prevent redundant reevaluations.

In practice, I suspect that users would usually require exhaustive 
evaluation of expressions, and would have to code this explicitly, which 
would certainly be slower than letting Mathematica do this job in the 
first place.

I do wish that mistakes like x=x+1 gave an explicit error message, 
specifying the variable in question! However, I can't see much value in 
being able to actually store x+1 as the value of x!

David Bailey

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