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Where are all my "memories" gone?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122584] Where are all my "memories" gone?
  • From: Patrick Scheibe <pscheibe at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 06:21:55 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:


I have a bit of a delicate problem here. On a fresh kernel this

data = Table[RandomInteger[{0, 255}], {i, 100*2^20}];

results in exactly 400MB. My resource-manager of the operating system
confirms it by telling me the MathKernel occupies 422MB of memory.

In real life, I'm working with tif-images stacks. I only import the
underlying data and not the images itself.

path = "/long/path/to/aLargeImage.tif";
data = Import[path, "Data"];

tells me 3.88GB which seems reasonable since the tif is about 2.0GB on
the drive. What does *not* look reasonable is, that Mathematica occupies
now 9.7GB of my memory and it doesn't seem to know:

In[4]:= {MemoryInUse[], MemoryInUse[$FrontEnd]}/2.^30

Out[4]= {3.9044, 0.0000874288}

Can anyone give any useful information?


My OS is:
Ubuntu 10.04

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