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Re: Strange Probability function behavior (Bug?)

On 11/15/2011 4:50 AM, Brentt wrote:
> Oh wait, never mind, it works now that I've restarted the program. Not sure
> what happened. But its fine now.
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 5:43 AM, Bob Hanlon<hanlonr357 at>  wrote:
>> Works here. Probability is new in version 8. Are you using version 8?
>> $Version
>> "8.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (October 5, 2011)"
>> Probability[x == 3, Distributed[x, PoissonDistribution[m]]]
>> ((1/6)*m^3)/E^m
>> Bob Hanlon
>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 7:07 AM, Brentt<brenttnewman at>  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> If I go to the Probability function  documentation, and evaluate a
>>> probability function in the documentation notebook, the probability
>>> function works as would be expected, for example:
>>> In[0]:= Probability[x == 3, Distributed[x, PoissonDistribution[m]]]
>>>> Out[0]= 1/6 E^-m m^3
>>> So far so good.
>>> But strangely, if I open up a new notebook and copy and paste the exact
>>> expression from above into it, I get this
>>> In[0]:= Probability[x == 3, Distributed[x, PoissonDistribution[m]]]
>>>> Out[0]:= Probability[True, 3 \[Distributed] PoissonDistribution[m]]
>>> What could possibly be happening here? Is this a bug?

What you saw originally would happen if x had been assigned the value of 
3 earlier in the session.

In[1]:= x = 3;

In[2]:= Probability[x == 3, Distributed[x, PoissonDistribution[m]]]

Out[2]= Probability[True, 3 \[Distributed] PoissonDistribution[m]]

One way this could easily happen (aside from a direct assignment like 
above) is if you had accidentally evaluated with a single = sign, e.g.

Probability[x = 3, Distributed[x, PoissonDistribution[m]]]

then corrected the syntax and re-evaluated.

Darren Glosemeyer
Wolfram Research

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