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CDF examples

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123190] CDF examples
  • From: Tom De Vries <tidetabletom at>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 04:59:35 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Hi everyone,

Wolfram has posted some very nice examples of documents in the CDF format.

Many of them would be very nice to use for classroom presentations.

In particular the file  "Adopting CDF" has a compelling way of moving
between parts of the document.

I tried to decipher it,  but with all the graphics used,  it's not
really easy to get at the parts and try to use them.

As with many things Mathematica ,  I'd like to learn more, but the
"finished" product is impossible for me to get into and work on.

I wonder if anyone in the forum has looked at this example, and might
be able to produce a "toy" version that could be experimented with
more easily.

Obviously Wolfram has put a lot of time and energy into these
examples, so I'm not trying to "steal" that work.

But those who are using Mathematica at a lower level could really
benefit from having some of these presentation techniques to help us
put a "better front" on the work we are trying to do with our


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