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Exporting Polygons to DXF

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121917] Exporting Polygons to DXF
  • From: Norman <wikner.norman at>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:25:19 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:

I have searched on this subject, but most posts are obsolete.  The
mathematica documentation on DXF exporting is obscure at best.  There
are no examples given as to how to use the options.  I have a Graphics
object, g, consisting entirely of color specifications and polygons.
If I do this:
Export["Test.dxf",g], I get a dxf file,  But when I ope it it consists
entirely of Mesh (poly line) objects.  Furthermore, any polygon with
more than 3 sides is decomposed into triangles.  I want them to be
polygons.  I see on the DXF reference page,

         Export["Test.dxf",expr,elem] creates a DXF file by treating
expr as specifying element elem.

and I also see listed as Elements,
      	"PolygonData"	polygon data in indexed form
But things like
and many modifications to the above, all result in errors.  I just
don't have enough information or documentation to form a Mathematica
expression that results in a DXF file with polygons.

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